Hurricane Katrina
Monday, September 05, 2005
Hurricane Katrina. It seems that every blogger has written something about this. At first I did not want to join the majority, the generic, but after seeing the aftermath it is hard not to.
So much death.. first the catastrophe in Asia and now this.
Instead of spending so much money developing military, can't people stop for a bit and think. If they did, then maybe someday countries would spend more money on research that save lives instead of take lives.
I have noticed that it is only during catastrophes like this, that people can really unite with each other and forget about issues like race, gender, sex, politics, etc. It is good that something so sad can do something positive too.
Rest in peace to all the ones lost. For everyone else; be happy you are alive and cherish this life of yours.
I do not know enough to comment further.
posted by Err0r @ 6:38 PM,