Why kiddies should not debate
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ehhh, ... ok? Humans are omnivores, we eat both meat (yes, animals) and vegetables to obtain a balanced diet. Vegetarians can use protein rich products like beans to give them protein, but plant protein is not as complex as the ones in various meats. Thus, making vegetarians skinny and weedy. If you want to be a vegetarian and limit yourself, go ahead.Adults can change too!
Hi, I think that killing animals is bad and cruel, so I became a
vegetarian. Most adults support me in being a vegetarian, they say it is a good
thing, but when I ask them to become one, they say that their too old to change
their eating habits. You are never too old to change... etc
Asking adults to go vegetarian is bad enough, then you go publish an article in a popular newspaper about it.. The adults you have been talking to says it's a good thing only because they do not want to hurt you, and they don't change their eating habits because they don't want to. They say their too old to change because they do not want to hurt your feelings.
Here is another example, comment from this post:
Sorry but you've got it totally wrong. The media does one thing and only one thing to the population: It manipulates. Look how it's manipulated you!
- From where I stand I see you being manipulated by the anti-media-ideals people.
Ya, it makes people go anorexic when they're already underweight and is dangerous for health. Sure obesity is unhealthy, but neither is malnutrition! The notion that starvation=skinny is totally off; when you starve, your body CONSERVES calories, and furthermore, you will eat more at your next meal than the total amount of food that you would have eaten had you eaten regularly. If you need an example, none better than Terri Schaivo.
- Look at the statistics, are there more obese than malnutritioned in developed countries? What is a greater problem, and what costs more tax money?
Nearly everybody has enough on their self-improvement lists without the media's interference. And nearly everyone is discouraged at not meeting them either, without the media's interference. The media creates standards for the population that cannot be sustained, and as a result harms and dulls the minds of the population.
- I don't have a list, neither does any of my friends? Who actually has a list? Harms and dulls the mind? Ummm, actually, obese people have a harder time thinking as the human mass increases, less blood is transported to the brain, etc.
And it absolutely true that beauty is only skin deep. It's also relative; in ancient/medieval ages, being fat was considered attractive.
- Attractive, maybe. Unhealthy, yes. a) How long did ancient / medieval people live? b) Do obese live longer than normal people?
First off, we need population CONTROL, not introduce more people! And sex based purely on physical attraction, like what you implie, typically does not result in good marriges or families. Thus the children suffer and it if happens to a wide enough extent, society itself will be pulled down by the suffering of children is dysfunctional families.
- Control?? Europe's population is dying! To maintain a steady population, many european countries are forced to "import" large masses of people from other places. Population control is needed in countries like China, India, Japan, etc. Also, do you mean that obese couples would have better relationships than other, non-obese couples?
- From what I understand you have been severely manipulated by your obese teacher/parent(s). I can not think of other reasons to why you would comment like that.
posted by Err0r @ 2:25 PM,