UK seeks ban on violent Web porn
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
LONDON, England -- Proposed new laws could make the UK the first western country
to make viewing or downloading violent pornography on the Internet illegal, the
British government said on Tuesday.
Hmm, what's violent porn? What happened to democracy and freedom, or is it just a title? Shouldn't you have the freedom to choose whether you want to watch violent or un-violent porn?
Is violent porn a porn-with-guns-and-knives-thingy? Never seen & never heard of that...
posted by Err0r @ 9:50 PM,
Monday, August 29, 2005
Monday's are usually those days when we get home early and have the opportunity to take it easy.
Well, I just got home. It took 2 hours and 45 minutes. Normally it should only take 45 minutes.
I have wasted 2 extra hours doing nothing.
Very pissed off, tired, etc.
Dilemma here.. wanna smash something, but afraid to break it and/or too lazy to clean up the mess afterwards... which makes me even more pissed.
posted by Err0r @ 5:48 PM,
The Island
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Warning! Spoiler, select the below text to view.
There are a couple of things that is bothering me about the movie:
1. At the end the guy uses this switch to ruin the whole lab/cloning-facility, why did they design a switch that could do that in the first place?
2. Luck. They are soo lucky, if you haven't watched the movie, watch it and you will see. This is my biggest dissapointment, they are so damn lucky, can't stress this enough.
3. Where did the clones get the memory of the "host" back? Science doesn't does not like that, unfortunally. This seems like a lame attempt to make cloning for medical use look bad.
But still, the movie rocks.
posted by Err0r @ 9:17 PM,
Why kiddies should not debate
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ehhh, ... ok? Humans are omnivores, we eat both meat (yes, animals) and vegetables to obtain a balanced diet. Vegetarians can use protein rich products like beans to give them protein, but plant protein is not as complex as the ones in various meats. Thus, making vegetarians skinny and weedy. If you want to be a vegetarian and limit yourself, go ahead.Adults can change too!
Hi, I think that killing animals is bad and cruel, so I became a
vegetarian. Most adults support me in being a vegetarian, they say it is a good
thing, but when I ask them to become one, they say that their too old to change
their eating habits. You are never too old to change... etc
Asking adults to go vegetarian is bad enough, then you go publish an article in a popular newspaper about it.. The adults you have been talking to says it's a good thing only because they do not want to hurt you, and they don't change their eating habits because they don't want to. They say their too old to change because they do not want to hurt your feelings.
Here is another example, comment from this post:
Sorry but you've got it totally wrong. The media does one thing and only one thing to the population: It manipulates. Look how it's manipulated you!
- From where I stand I see you being manipulated by the anti-media-ideals people.
Ya, it makes people go anorexic when they're already underweight and is dangerous for health. Sure obesity is unhealthy, but neither is malnutrition! The notion that starvation=skinny is totally off; when you starve, your body CONSERVES calories, and furthermore, you will eat more at your next meal than the total amount of food that you would have eaten had you eaten regularly. If you need an example, none better than Terri Schaivo.
- Look at the statistics, are there more obese than malnutritioned in developed countries? What is a greater problem, and what costs more tax money?
Nearly everybody has enough on their self-improvement lists without the media's interference. And nearly everyone is discouraged at not meeting them either, without the media's interference. The media creates standards for the population that cannot be sustained, and as a result harms and dulls the minds of the population.
- I don't have a list, neither does any of my friends? Who actually has a list? Harms and dulls the mind? Ummm, actually, obese people have a harder time thinking as the human mass increases, less blood is transported to the brain, etc.
And it absolutely true that beauty is only skin deep. It's also relative; in ancient/medieval ages, being fat was considered attractive.
- Attractive, maybe. Unhealthy, yes. a) How long did ancient / medieval people live? b) Do obese live longer than normal people?
First off, we need population CONTROL, not introduce more people! And sex based purely on physical attraction, like what you implie, typically does not result in good marriges or families. Thus the children suffer and it if happens to a wide enough extent, society itself will be pulled down by the suffering of children is dysfunctional families.
- Control?? Europe's population is dying! To maintain a steady population, many european countries are forced to "import" large masses of people from other places. Population control is needed in countries like China, India, Japan, etc. Also, do you mean that obese couples would have better relationships than other, non-obese couples?
- From what I understand you have been severely manipulated by your obese teacher/parent(s). I can not think of other reasons to why you would comment like that.
posted by Err0r @ 2:25 PM,
Google goes talking
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Seems pretty uneccessary to me, we already have enough IM programs (AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, QQ), more than enough..
I am a user of MSN and all my friends use it, so I see no point in changing to Google Talk right now, but I do feel that MSN is kinda cluttered with ads and tabs and Microsoft stuff.
Google Talk only works for people with Gmail, for those who don't have it, I can invite you if you just post your email below.
posted by Err0r @ 8:45 PM,
Late Registration
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The song is very warming.
After listening to that song I realized that I would never be as great a son as Kanye. That fact made me a little sad, but I will work harder to become a better son.
For those who want to listen to the song to check what I'm talking about, use the link below.
posted by Err0r @ 6:21 PM,
That's it!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Got spammed again. 5 new spam messages in the previous post... Noticed that blogger added support for verification images on comments, shortly after I made my last post about spam.
Good, because I'm turning it on. Will I lose comments? No, because if the commenter thinks it's too hard to type a word verification, the comment would not be good.
Still, always the innocent who have to suffer...
posted by Err0r @ 6:10 PM,
Oh no, you have the wrong opinion
I'm noticing this more and more. Everytime I express my opinion about something, the first response is: "That is a typical right/left point of view. You must be a supporter of the right/left." The exact words can differ, but that is the meaning.
Since when did all opinions become left/right? What happened to my opinion?
It is funny I even get that response, considering I have nothing to do with American politics because: a) I do not live in the US b) I am too young to vote and c) My opinions do not come from my very unpolitical parents.
I'm getting the impression that everything, yes everything is about politics.
Left right left right, care to move forward and think for yourselves instead of using generic left/right quotes to every argument?
posted by Err0r @ 5:56 PM,
Media, and the perfect people
Friday, August 19, 2005

People say it makes girls starve themselves, go anorexic, etc. Yes, that's bad. There are extremes to everything. Remember the news of that girl jumping off the balcony thinking she could fly after watching Pokémon?
Why do I not oppose it?
- It fights obesity. Obesity is a large (and growing) problem in western society. If it weren't for all those pictures from media, who knows how fat this world would be?
- It shows a picture of how a human should be. If people went round thinking that they should look like Fat Joe, it wouldn't be pretty.
- Better looking people. The population would look better and be more attractive. It leads to more sex and more babies.
Do like me and do not oppose it. It is good for you, for all.
posted by Err0r @ 9:45 PM,
Is Bush a fan of Hitler?
In 50 years, would the history books write good or bad about Bush? I can draw a lot of similarities between Bush and Hitler. Here are a few examples:
Winners write the history. They can write it in any way they want to, people would have a hard time telling if it's truth or lies. I think the most widespread rumor was that Hitler's mother/other relatives were Jewish. False. Just to came to think of it, there is this rumor that Bush's IQ is 70, hope thats false.- They were elected by their people. Their victories in the elections were both questionable.
- Most of the people believed and supported their actions.
- They started wars.
- They used scapegoats (Jews, Muslims). Wars have always been started using excuses.
Let's see if Bush will win or eventually lose. Let's see in the future what the books will write about him.
To see what others have said about Bush=Hitler, check the link below.
posted by Err0r @ 5:48 PM,
Worst excuse ever!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I've heard lots of bad excuses (especially from some friends ^^), but this one is by far the worst. I was playing a game (DotA), me and a team-mate killes an enemy.
After 30 seconds, the killed enemy says: "SORRY GUYS I GOT TO GO. MY MOTHER DIED!" (Yes, in all caps).. and then he left.
After that I had a fit of laughter. What the hell is that for excuse, "my mother died"...
posted by Err0r @ 9:20 PM,
Got spammed
Yesterday I found 7 spam messages commented in the previous post. It was automated spam. Sent an email to Blogger support 24 hours ago, no answer.
If this happens again I think I'm gonna switch to haloscan.
This could be easily fixed by generating a validation image, the commenter types the text generated on the image to confirm the comment. A good way to remove those automated bots.
The bots are specially designed for Blogger/Blogspot, they find blogs by using the "Next Blog" link top top of every blog. I know this because I had a lot of referrers from blogs that I didn't even recognize, and when I went to them I could not find a link to my blog on any of them, so it must have been the "Next Blog" button.
posted by Err0r @ 2:38 PM,
Koizumi apologizes for war wounds
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Still, the leaders are visiting the Yasukuni shrine every year, where the Japanese war dead are honored, where the war criminals are buried.
We don't see the German leaders go paying tribute to Hitler...
WWII Germany terminated around 5000 Jews.
WWII Japan terminated around 300000 Chinese.
Just a heads up.
posted by Err0r @ 5:52 PM,
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Recently I just discovered Alex Chiu's site again. I think I found it somewhere in the year 2001. He believes he has invented something to make people physically immortal, a pair of magnet rings you put on your fingers.
At first I thought it was a joke, I thought it was a prank site.. but after surfing there for some time I noticed that he really believed in it.
It is impossible for him to prove that the rings really provide immortality, because he hasn't invented it long enough, but people have posted in his forum telling him that they have became stronger and healthier after using the rings.
I would never buy anything like that, but luckily he also offers them for free. All you got to do is to get 80 people to check his site out, and that's what I'm doing. I do not think that they would make me immortal, it's just not possible, but achieving better health? Yeah, maybe.
So help me please... Click the link below.
posted by Err0r @ 8:17 PM,
A butterfly woke me up
Guess what? I got woken by a butterfly, now that's not something you hear everyday right? I don't know how I missed it when I was going to bed last night/this morning.
There are soo many things that could wake you up, such as nightmares, outside noise, family, stress, but I got woken by a butterfly. It was just flapping its wings against a window trying to get out.
That's pretty cool, getting waken by a butterfly.
posted by Err0r @ 8:56 AM,
Schnappi - das kleine Krokodil
Monday, August 15, 2005

Yes, just when the Crazy Frog (in case you haven't been living in a cave for the past year, you might have a clue of what it is) hype seems to have cooled down, something else has came to plague us.
It's a kiddie song sang by a German kid, and is getting pretty popular here and has been stuck in my heads for days and days.
I've uploaded it for you, check the link at the bottom of this entry. --And, if it gets stuck in your head, make sure you sing it correctly. Here are the lyrics:
Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine KrokodilGood luck and have fun. Out.
Komm aus Ägypten, das liegt direkt am Nil
Zuerst lag ich in einem Ei
dann schni-,schna-,schnappte ich mich frei
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna
Schnappi Schnappi SchnappIch bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil
Hab scharfe Zähne, und davon ganz
schön viel
Ich schnapp mir was ich schnappen kann
Ja ich schnapp zu, weil
ich das so gut kanSchni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna
Schnappi Schnappi SchnappIch bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil
Ich schnappe gern, das ist mein
Ich schleich mich an die Mama ran
Und zeig ihr wie ich
schnappen kannSchni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna
Schnappi Schnappi SchnappIch bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil
Und vom Schnappen, da krieg ich
nicht zu viel
Ich beiß dem Papi kurz ins Bein
Und dann, dann schlaf ich
einfach einSchni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (schnapp!)
Schni Schna
Schnappi (ja!)
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (schnapp!)
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (ja!)
Schni Schna Schnappi
(hmm) Schnappi Schnapp
posted by Err0r @ 8:53 PM,
World Peace Blogging Network

For those of you who want quality traffic and at the same time support a great cause, this is for you. Check the link out.
posted by Err0r @ 9:04 AM,
Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
Saturday, August 13, 2005

So I searched a bit and found the mp3, then I searched a bit more and found the video.
When I watched the video, I could feel tears forming around my eyes. Luckily, I didn't cry.
It was soo long ago, it brought back many memories. I had been wanting to see the video again for about 2-3 years.
This means really much to me, thanks again Destry!
For all of you who haven't seen it, see it. For those who have seen it, see it again. I have uploaded the video for you guys. It is in 3gp, ready to be put inside your mobile phone or be viewed with Quicktime.
320x240 Resolution - Hi-res mobile video, also suitable for computers
176x144 Resolution - Standard mobile video
Mp3 - For those happy just to hear it ^^
Watch it! Go go go!
posted by Err0r @ 12:38 PM,
Online tests suck
What does this really tell you about me... more or less nothing?
posted by Err0r @ 10:47 AM,
Wisdom Quotes + Porn = ?
Friday, August 12, 2005
Lately I have been receiving lots of wisdom quotes by email, always there is a porn spam advert in the middle of it. What the hell is wrong? Here is an example, the one I received most recently:
hey was up?Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew
7:120],Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling
himself to it.,The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has
its limits.,
Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks
itself secure.,
Life is a dead-end street.
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do
that.,Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.,The sound of a kiss
is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal
He who loves not wine, woman , and song, Remains a fool his whole
life long.,
A person of intellect without energy added to it, is a
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.,America had often been discovered before
Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.,
Fate is nothing but the deeds
committed in a prior state of existence,
The worst of all diseases is a
nervous ability.,
It is most unwise for people in love to marry,
If they wanna spam me with porn then why the hell do they add wistom quotes? Is it to bypass the spam filter? Well, it ain't working...
Still, I like the quotes.
posted by Err0r @ 5:48 PM,
Help me remember
For about 8-9 years ago, there was this song/music video on MTV that I really liked. I would like to see or hear it again. I have been looking for it for a long time, and the reason I can't find it is because I know more or less nothing about it, but here is what I do know:
- It is basically someone speaking to you with music in the background.
- The music video is a compile of many different amateur video footages, I can remember one clip where a kid in a playground slides down the slide. Sometimes colorful backgrounds + text would appear to emphasize the lyrics.
- The lyrics are basically different pieces of advice telling you what to do and how to live life. One advice I can remember is "do something you are afraid of every day". Perhaps "respect your parents" was another.
If you could help me find it I'd be really grateful and happy.
posted by Err0r @ 5:05 PM,
Can't sleep
Body soo tired... mind soo active. Can't sleep.
This must be thanks to the 1.5 liter bottle of coke i drank today (yesterday?).. Why am I so sensitive to caffeine?
I'll go listen to some music...
posted by Err0r @ 1:35 AM,
I wanna go to jail
Thursday, August 11, 2005

When I grow old I can look back at all the things that I have been through. If I were to live just a regular life, I would not have much to look back at.
I would like to try as much as possible, both the bitter and the sweet sides of life. For how can you know what is sweet if you have tasted nothing else than sweet?
posted by Err0r @ 8:50 PM,
Colors part 2

Are humans color blind? If black people aren't black, if yellow folks aren't yellow and white guys aren't white, why do we keep saying it?
How can the human kind expect to develop and flourish if we can't even learn to tell the difference between some basic colors?
posted by Err0r @ 4:44 PM,
Colors part 1
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Do we see colors in the same way? What if we don't?
When we learn the colors we learn that A is blue and B is green. How do you know that the way I look at A isn't the way you look at B? In other words what if the blue I see is the green you see and actually the red someone else sees?
How are we to know?
posted by Err0r @ 10:10 PM,
Where has the summer gone?

Look at the houses and trees, they are so bright, yet the sky is so dark. Amazing.
Miss the summer, it is cold outside. :-(
posted by Err0r @ 6:16 PM,
Where is the freedom?
Some students in Kutztown, Pennsylvania got arrested for "abusing" their school computers. They found the administrator's password and used it to iChat, an instant-messenger program. Their going to juvenile detention camps.
What the hell is wrong with the police, or should I say the police in the country of the free.
Lets say that you are an administrator of a web-hosting company, and you set your password to "password". One day, someone finds the password by trying out several default passwords (such as "password", "admin", "1234"). All accounts get deleted and you didn't backup. You are a bad administrator. Who's fault is it? Yours, and yours only.
Getting back to the students, they installed a chat software. Wow. A real hacker uses your computer and bandwidth to do things far worse. Setting up ftp servers for spreading pirated software, sending spam, etc.
Talk about downloading a chat software, if you even block the students from chatting in the first place, then you must be pretty stupid. Chatting is a nice way of developing English skills and also exchanging information, and maybe even helping each other do homework. If chatting was blocked, then a lot of other things must also have been blocked. The students revolted against a system they thought was unfair, should that be wrong? Isn't USA the place where everyone should be able to do what they want, what they believe in? (At least when their not hurting others)
I know what is wrong, ignorance and incompetance. To a daily computer user, or even a half-trained network administrator, the things the students did would just be a joke, laugh and it's over. When you don't know about stuff, you panick, you over-react. Maybe it's the reduced money to schools from the government that is forcing them to cut back on competent staff, but I don't know much about USA politics.
Check out, it's a site the affected students, friends and families have made. Maybe you can help them put this insanity to an end?
posted by Err0r @ 5:34 PM,
I finished a caramel!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Today, for the first time ever, I finished an entire caramel without touching it with my teeth. It took a long time, and when there was a little left I got annoyed because it lasted so long.
posted by Err0r @ 9:02 PM,
Why write blogs?
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Why the hell do I write blogs when there are practically millions of other things I can do?
This is how I see it...
I think a lot, often I just end up forgetting what I have been thinking of. As people grow up, they change, they forget. I want to keep something, so I can look back at my life, so I have something to look back to. Which will help me remember what made me, what I was going through, and also make my goals clearer.
As weird as it may sound, I am doing this to get to know myself, so me in the future can know me the way I am now.
It is hard to explain, but writing a blog at least seems like you have done something, when you could have done nothing, just killing time.
Also, it is a way for me to keep track of my thoughts and organize them, which helps me develop them further.
Hmm.. doesn't sound the way I wanted it to. Still, I hope I got the message across.
posted by Err0r @ 7:53 PM,
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Since my last blog broke by itself, and miraciously fixed itself later, I have been afraid to touch it. And now I am tired of it, so why not switch to Blogger?
This may be the shittiest blog every written, but I'm using Internet Explorer 7 Beta, and there is obviously problems with typing, about 10% of the keys I press do not have any effect.
Another reason to why this blog is so shitty is because I'm writing it in a rush, wishing to play something, you know. Like maybe a PC game?
Soon the vacations will have ended... gotta take your chance ehh?
..Omg that just sounded like some generic crap, anyway...
Promise to write better..
posted by Err0r @ 9:54 AM,
posted by Err0r @ 9:25 AM,