Why write blogs?
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Why the hell do I write blogs when there are practically millions of other things I can do?
This is how I see it...
I think a lot, often I just end up forgetting what I have been thinking of. As people grow up, they change, they forget. I want to keep something, so I can look back at my life, so I have something to look back to. Which will help me remember what made me, what I was going through, and also make my goals clearer.
As weird as it may sound, I am doing this to get to know myself, so me in the future can know me the way I am now.
It is hard to explain, but writing a blog at least seems like you have done something, when you could have done nothing, just killing time.
Also, it is a way for me to keep track of my thoughts and organize them, which helps me develop them further.
Hmm.. doesn't sound the way I wanted it to. Still, I hope I got the message across.
posted by Err0r @ 7:53 PM,